Everyone is a member of the Cyborg Club. We help each other to get in touch with our inner robots. This club came along much later than the Skull Club and had its beginnings at Cybernalia. I started the club for those who wanted a more contemporary club than the Skull Club. The links and my writings below can inform the Cyborg Club membership.
Cyborg Club Website | Cyborg Club on Facebook | Robots and Reptiles Theater Playlist | Cybernalia Website | Cybernalia Playlist | Email me | A.C.U. | Home
Cyborg Gospel (work in progress, 2011 to present)
In 2011 I started this book I'd like to write. I'd love to hear any feedback you'd like to provide.
Cybernetic Aesthetics (work in progress, 2008 to present)
In 2008 I started this book I'd like to write. I'd love to hear any feedback you'd like to provide.
The Meaning of Cybernalia (4/3/2004)
Cybernetic Aesthetics Manifesto (1991)