Mike's pictureMy name created with my own hand

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My Audio Autobiography Part 4: Senior Years (2023-present)

My Audio Autobiography Part 4: Senior Years thumbnailClick to visit my SoundCloud playlist My Audio Autobiography Part 4: Senior Years. I turned 65 years old in 2023. On balance, the recordings from my senior years so far tend toward music.

Bohacz's Chronicles of Attachments (2004-present)

Bohacz's Chronicles of Attachments thumbnailI've been working on this audio series since 2004. Bohacz's Chronicles of Attachments cannot be heard publicly because of its many copyright infringements. Contact me for a private hearing.

Abductions with the Alter Boy (CD, 2002)

Abductions with the Alter Boy CD thumbnailCreated from a partnership of Cyberscope Wizards and GS2000, this interactive CD is very rare.

Original advertisement: "ASTROSURF! These wiggling cyborganisms will infect your entire music planet with dance. The Tin Gods' highly volatile sound compositonal systems will vibrate the pleasure centers of surf and sci-fi fans alike. This 5-track EP is enhanced with interactive games and video clips from the cult classic TV show Abductions with the Alter Boy. Prepare to upgrade your mental operating systems with Alter Boy's psychotronic and ecologically aware MESSAGE FROM SPACE."

Mostly Acoustic (recorded 9/21/1991, CD released 10/21/2013)

Mostly Acoustic thumbnailI'm singing solo while accompanying myself on acoustic guitar. I recorded nine original songs at the request of my British friend Sera F. on September 21, 1991. Warning: slow music zone! This CD is very rare.

My Audio Autobiography Part 3: Adult Years (1979-2022)

My Audio Autobiography Part 3: Adult Years thumbnailClick to visit my SoundCloud playlist My Audio Autobiography Part 3: Adult Years. I turned 21 years old in 1979. I'm still working on this unfinished playlist. On balance, the recordings from my adult years tend toward music but comedy and experimentation exist as well.

My Audio Autobiography Part 2: Teenage Years (1971-78)

My Audio Autobiography Part 2: Teenage Years thumbnailClick to visit my SoundCloud playlist My Audio Autobiography Part 2: Teenage Years. I turned 13 years old in 1971. On balance, the recordings from my teenage years tend toward comedy but music and experimentation exist as well.

Piano Theory (1972)

Piano Theory Notebook thumbnail

My folks noticed I had musical talent when we took a trip to visit our Tennessee relatives. This was probably when I was around 5 or 6 years old, perhaps 7. My uncle Lindy was the musical director of his church and he taught me a tune on his piano. We returned to visit Uncle Lindy around a year later and I played him the tune he had taught me. Uncle Lindy insisted that my folks provide me music lessons because I had remembered the tune from the last visit. My first formal music lessons were on an accordian that my music teacher (whose name I cannot recall) loaned me. When we moved to Berwyn at the end of 1970 our folks bought us a chord organ. Mike Fox, the musical director of our Emmanual Baptist Church, agreed to give me piano lessons and I could rehearse on the church pianos. These are the first few pages of the notebook used to record Fox's piano theory. Our folks would buy us an upright piano for our home soon after this. You can hear my chord organ and piano recordings at my SoundCloud account.

My Audio Autobiography Part 1: Childhood (1963-70)

My Audio Autobiography Part 1: Childhood thumbnailClick to visit my SoundCloud playlist My Audio Autobiography Part 1: Childhood. On balance, the recordings from my childhood tend toward entertainment but experimentation exists as well. Like all children, I loved playing with toys. One of my favorite toys was an audio tape recorder. You can hear the results of my child's play with this playlist.

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