Mike's pictureMy name created with my own hand

The link below labeled "Back to the 1990s" will open the website I was working on in the late 1990s and early 2000s. With that site I also attempted to organize my work. I didn't get a chance to finish it. It remains very fragmented. I wanted to make it all in pure html because of my interest in the formal aspects of media. I had many ideas swimming around in my head, like: the nature of consciousness, cyborg issues, English Prime, my response to Buckminster Fuller. The drawing on the left was supposed to cycle randomly with other pictures every time a visitor came around. I didn't get that far.

I offer the site here as a reference to my thinking at the time. Many of the links and information found in the pages are out of date. I'd like to keep it as it was at the time for archiving purposes.

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